Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition v12.0.1001.95 x64 繁/簡/英正式版(通過賽門鐵克針對惡意軟體)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition provides easy to use,
enterprise-level protection that optimizes performance and system resources
so small businesses can get up and running quickly. The simple management
capabilities, 20-minute deployment, and pre-configured settings make it
&ready-to-go* so you can focus on running and growing your business rather
than worry about security.
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 12.0.1 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(保護桌上型電腦與伺服器防禦病毒與間諜程式軟體)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition v12.0.1001.95 繁/簡/英正式版(通過賽門鐵克針對惡意軟體)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition v12.0 英文正式版(企業級電腦病毒防護軟體)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 12.0.1 繁體中文/英文正式版(防護軟體)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager v11.0.5002.333 繁體中文/英文正式版(企業級軟體)
Symantec Endpoint Protection v14.2.1023.0100 (x86 + x64) 賽門鐵克端點防護 英文版
Symantec Endpoint Protection v12.1.6867.6400 FRENCH x64 英文正式版(電腦安全防護軟體)